Trevor Paglen NSA-Tapped Undersea Cables, North Pacific Ocean, 2016, C-Print, 121.92 x 182.88 cm, Courtesy the artist and Metro Pictures, New York
Working Worlds includes works from: Artist Placement Group (UK), Trisha Baga (USA), Simon Denny (NZ), Harun Farocki (DE), Coco Fusco (USA), Andreas Gursky (DE), Armin Linke (DE), Mark Lombardi (USA), Trevor Paglen (USA), Amalia Pica (AR), Jiri Skala (CZ), Alec Soth (USA), Martine Syms (USA), Pilvi Takala (FI), Angela Vanini (DE), Thomas Zipp (DE)
Working Worlds
Over the last half century, our working environment, physical or virtual, has changed constantly in response to technology and ideology. The parameters of work, from the hours we clock in to the definition of a desk space, are in flux. From drawings made with stationary to paintings of low-paying jobs and images of business interiors and exteriors, these artworks document where we work and meditate on how our environment controls or stimulates our actions, thoughts and imagination. Here the workplace is a site of production where ideas are given form.